Fashion, clothes, Style, Trends, Hats, Bags, Lifestyle


Men’s Fashion Trends in 2014

Its no surprise that men are now moving into the openly fashion conscious, image focused mindset that is categorised as the metro-sexual male. With that the market for male grooming and fashion accessories is quickly on the increase.

Its worth a mention that even though you may be following trend or creating new ones its always good to stay true to the essence of you. Style comes in many forms, shapes and sizes so rules can be bent and broken to achieve your desired outcome.

One big trend that has been particularly prominent this year so far is that of the beard. A beard is a long term commitment and actually required more work that you would typically think. With moisturising, shaping, thinning and general upkeep can keep a guy in the bathroom grooming himself for more time than most ladies. That being said the focus on men wanting to look, feel good and dress well is not a bad thing.

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