No it’s not a top gear special in which the trio venture to the Amazon rain-forest. It’s been confirmed on the amazon website that the top gear team will be back in 2016. The show won’t be called top gear though, as the BBC owns the rights to the name.
This is great news for fans, but not so great for the BBC who axed Jeremy Clarkson after a dispute with a member of the production team.
In an interview with the shows long-term producer Andy Wilman, he said that:
“I can’t tell you how good it feels to get the chance to produce something from scratch,” he said. “We’re all really excited. No one telling us what we can and can’t do, just us hopefully producing great programmes. It feels really liberating.”
In a statement from Amazon, Clarkson said: “I feel like I’ve climbed out of a biplane and into a spaceship.”
The show will be exclusive for Amazon prime users.