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Features to Look For in Hair Straighteners

When shopping for hair straighteners it’s easy to get overwhelmed by just how many different types and variations there are. Fortunately, figuring out which ones are the best for you usually comes down to simply knowing a few of their features before hand. Then simply decide which one will work well for you.

Ceramic Flat Irons

Certain hair straighteners feature ceramic flat iron plates. These get hot at a reliable rate, and stay that way. This means there’s no change in temperature when using them which can sometimes cause problems.

Budget Flat Irons

There are budget options available for hair straighteners in the form of budget irons. While they cost less, they often don’t hold heat as well, which may stop them from working as well as other models.

Wet to Dry

Another feature of some hair straighteners are wet to dry irons. While these are less reliable than other plates they are often a higher quality, and do a better job straightening as a result.



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